About Us
House of Brave is a small family business. Loren and Carla are the people behind the idea of creating their businesses, CreatedByBrave and BookishByBrave.
Carla was just 14 when she started her shop, it was during Scotland's first lockdown at the end of June 2020, where she, like many teenagers, was bored sitting about the house.
Loren started her own business in July of 2021 after seeing the success of Carla's store. Loren was already running a popular book blog and instagram page, it made sense for her brand to focus more on Book Fandoms.
Loren and Carla decided to join their businesses into one, as they were already helping one another to fulfil orders and create new designs. Thus, House of Brave was born.
We pride ourselves in our extremely high levels of customer service and we take great pride in meeting our customers needs. If you have any feedback you would like to share with us about any part of our service, please just let us know, we would love to hear from you.